Friday, June 14, 2013

Thank you & How your Feedback helps.

Just so that we are all clear, here at My Budget Gourmet. I would like to thank you my Fellow followers and extend a gratitude.  You liked this page and it makes you a part of this discussion just as much as it does any reader.  You are able to reach out and share what you think of the food cooked here even though you are not required to, Simply it seems, though, you do.

For this I do thank you as I want you the reader, follower, home cook, mom, single or coupled college kids, to know that the foods you eat are not just for the sake of hunger, or need to survive.  I t is that very satisfaction from eating that  brings us to some great comforts when with others that makes eating "Human".  For if we did not share the experience it would not make us animals per se, just that we would be enjoying the presence of others while eating unlike animals.  That is what makes that date with your HS Sweet heart so memorable, the actual meal.  The pure thought that went into making that father's day cook out or special dinner to propose makes our eating something to remember.

So, as I read your posts here readers I want to honestly show you that on one hand yes I could show you how to cook a decent meal for very few dollars but, Does that ask you at the same time to change your whole life?  No it simply does not!

But In that Kitchen as you cook that meal you put so much thought into preparing for what ever reason it may  be.  It could be to save an amount of money from the way you used to spend money on food, or to eat better.  No the most important reason anyone likes to eat is to share the victory in acquiring the food.  Look what I have caught, killed, inspired to make and wish to share it with you does not only extend to males, women can cook, and acquire these foods too, anyone can cook.

But can anyone choose.  Choose to take that step into saving that money, eating better, but taking the time to share that food and the memory, or make memory of the experience will be release that you can get from no where else.  OR why else would we go out of our ways as humans to not be alone.

How simple it is to offer a meal to get to know a neighbor, or How nice it is that we find time on This Day Of The Week to all get together and share a meal, or any reason one can think of.  it happens and you really just cant help yourself that lunch while on the job is used as a social encounter, or you pick something up for some one in the office while your out as a gesture to be able to eat with them when back.

So thank you for supporting and telling me what you think of my foods on the website here on my face book page,  It really helps me get to know what you like and that way I can cook it for you in such away It will save you money of course, but you get to choose who you share it with who ever you want. If you have foods that you like and are not sure how to cook them no problem you can get that any where on the internet.  But can you get satisfaction that your reading and sharing the recipes on my site are doing anything else they would do.  Yes, sure and you can get that i guess anywhere but you chose to like me and I thank you.  You will get as promised unique food ideas and some common ones revamped but all customizable to your tastes.  Remember your feedback also helps me by giving me new ideas for foods for my family.  Let me bring foods to you and vice versa. And that is all yours the opportunity to share any meal you cook with a loved one or another in general.  Take the time to eat with one another once in a while.  See what I mean and tell me I am wrong.  Thanks for letting me cook you dinner!  Lanny: My Budget Gourmet.

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