Saturday, May 18, 2013

Optimal foods during pregnancy.

     Pregnant women usually suffer from morning sickness, nausea and vomiting during the first trimester.  For this reason, spicy and fried foods should be avoided since they can trigger nausea.  During this stage of the pregnancy, it's best to choose healthy recipes where the food is baked, steamed or boiled.  Smoothies and milk shakes made with fruits, milk, nuts and seeds provide calcium, iron, vitamins, healthy fats and fiber.
     During the second trimester, morning sickness and unpleasant symptoms typically diminish or disappear.  You can now eat foods that were previously avoided.  Healthy, pregnant women often have a hearty appetite.  While this is good, keep in mind that you do not have to eat for two.  Increasing your intake by 200-300 calories should be sufficient.  Your obstetrician can advice you on a healthy weight gain during pregnancy.
     Women sometimes complain of heartburn during the last trimester.  This may be caused by the growing baby pressing down on the digestive system.  Pregnant women may want to avoid spicy or oily foods during the third trimester.  Sufficient oxygen is key at this vital stage of the pregnancy so take to an environment with clean breathable air.  Most houses have AC and if not feel free to employ an air purifier.  You will find that the heart burn sensation is less disturbing when the airways blood are full of much needed oxygen.
     Some of the healthy recipes that are good for pregnant women include Chicken Spinach Salad, Cheese and Vegetable Soup, Maple Buttermilk Cornbread, Gazpacho with Shrimp, and Mushroom Quinoa Risotto.  You can also make a pregnancy smoothie by blending low-fat yogurt, orange juice and frozen mixed berries.  This smoothie recipe for pregnant women is rich in calcium, protein, antioxidants and fiber.

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